California, USA

Cheap Date Ideas in Los Angeles

Welcome to our guide to cheap date ideas in Los Angeles. We understand that planning a memorable and romantic date doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. That's why we've curated a collection of affordable and enjoyable date options that allow you to have a fantastic time without straining your budget. Whether you're looking for creative outdoor adventures, cozy indoor activities, or unique experiences that won't break the bank, we've got you covered. Discover a variety of wallet-friendly date ideas in Los Angeles that will impress your partner and create lasting memories.


For couples seeking a romantic escape from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, Vista Hermosa Natural Park is a hidden gem. The park offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and countryside, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful picnic or leisurely stroll. The park has a well-maintained playground for kids, but its main draw is the lush green open fields that provide a serene atmosphere. The park's bathrooms may not be well-stocked, so it's recommended to bring your own supplies. Overall, Vista Hermosa Natural Park is a great option for those looking to connect with nature and each other.


The Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain is an ideal spot for a romantic date, particularly if you're looking for a unique and picturesque location. Located in Los Angeles, this fountain is a popular tourist attraction with a rating of 4.8 out of 5. The fountain is beautifully lit up at night, and it changes colors, which adds to the overall ambiance of the location. It's a perfect spot for couples who enjoy taking pictures, and you can get great shots from many angles. The park is generally peaceful, and there are benches scattered around, which makes it an ideal picnic spot. However, it's worth noting that the park can be crowded at times, so privacy might be an issue. The fountain is also a popular spot for families with kids, so it might not be the best choice if you're looking for a quiet, intimate date. Overall, the Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain is a great option if you're looking for a low-cost, unique date idea that offers a beautiful backdrop for photos and a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere.

Photo Benjamin Drinkwater


The Museum of Social Justice in Los Angeles is a thought-provoking destination for those who are passionate about social justice issues. The museum features rotating exhibits that explore sociopolitical themes through the lens of activist art, making it a unique and engaging date spot. The museum's location in the historic Paseo de la Plaza adds to its charm, and the fact that it is free to the public is a bonus. However, the museum's focus on social justice may not appeal to everyone, and some may find the exhibits overwhelming or emotionally charged. It's best suited for couples who share a passion for activism and social change, and who are looking for a meaningful and educational date experience.

Photo KarLa Estrada


The America Tropical Interpretive Center is a small museum located in Los Angeles that offers a unique experience for couples interested in art and history. The center is dedicated to the preservation of David Alfaro Siqueiros' mural, América Tropical, which was painted during the Great Depression era and was considered controversial at the time. The center provides historical context and interpretation of the mural, making it an excellent choice for couples who value cultural experiences. While the museum is small, it is filled with life and offers a glimpse into a significant moment in Los Angeles' history. The museum is free to visit, making it a budget-friendly option for a date.


Thien Hau Temple in Los Angeles is a place of worship that offers a glimpse into the Chinese culture and traditions. The temple's architecture and decor are breathtaking, and the surrounding area is equally charming. Although it is a spiritual place, it can still be a fascinating spot for a date for those interested in learning about different cultures. The limited parking might pose an issue, but the staff is friendly and helpful. However, the limited activities available and the short duration of the visit might not be suitable for those seeking a more extended, immersive date experience.


For history buffs and those with a fascination for firefighting, the Plaza Firehouse Museum in Los Angeles is a hidden gem that offers a unique date experience. This small museum is housed in the oldest fire station in the city, which adds to its charm and historical significance. The museum is free to visit, making it an affordable option for those on a budget. However, the limited size of the museum means that it might not cater to those seeking a lengthy date experience. The museum staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and visitors are encouraged to ask questions. The museum's location in the vibrant Mexican area of Los Angeles means that there are plenty of food options in the vicinity, which could make for a great addition to the date.


Los Angeles State Historic Park is a spacious and pet-friendly park with an abundance of walking trails and scenic views of the city skyline. The park has undergone gradual improvements over time, which is a testament to the state's commitment to maintaining its beauty. The park's cafe, benches, and bathrooms make it a comfortable spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic, but its limited parking and narrow walkways could make it a bit of a challenge for larger events. While the park has hosted events like Pride Month, some visitors feel that the ticket prices could be more inclusive and that the event booths could be more diverse. Overall, the park is a great place to spend a sunny day in LA, but it may not be the best option for a romantic date due to its large size and limited privacy.

Photo Andre D. L.


St. Peter's Italian Catholic Church is a stunning church located in Los Angeles. It is a beautiful and peaceful place, perfect for those seeking a spiritual experience. The church has a strong Italian influence, which adds to its charm. The music for mass is highly regarded, and the priest is well-liked by the community. However, as a place of worship, it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those who do not practice Catholicism or are not interested in spiritual activities. The limited activities and the short duration of the visit may not be ideal for a date. Nonetheless, for those who appreciate the beauty and history of religious architecture, this church is a must-see.

Photo Kevin Lewandowski


Patton Street Park is a decent option for a casual outdoor date. The park boasts a variety of attractions, including a botanical garden, Queen Wilhelmina Windmill, Stowe Lake, waterfalls, trails, and open fields for picnics. While the park is generally well-maintained, some reviews mention a need for better upkeep and maintenance. The park is gated with a code, which may add to the sense of privacy and security, but also raises questions about accessibility. The exercise machines could use some improvement, but the park's walking path offers a nice opportunity for a leisurely stroll. Overall, the park's charm and range of activities make it a decent choice for a low-key, budget-friendly date.

Photo Amber M.A


Indian Alley in Los Angeles is a unique spot that celebrates Native American culture and history. The alley is adorned with vibrant murals and street art that pay homage to the indigenous people of the Americas. While the alley itself is not particularly spacious, the art and atmosphere are sure to make for a memorable date experience. However, some reviewers have reported that the alley can be difficult to access due to closed gates and tight spaces, which could potentially detract from the experience. Additionally, this may not be the best option for those seeking privacy as it may be a popular spot for tourists and visitors.

Photo orell anderson


Prospect Park in Los Angeles is a small, charming park that can be a great option for a low-key, relaxed date. The park is well-maintained and offers a peaceful atmosphere, making it a great spot for couples who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. However, the park's location near a cemetery and RVs may detract from the romantic ambiance. Additionally, the lack of street lights may make it feel less safe at night. Overall, while it may not be the most unique or exciting date spot, it can be a lovely option for a simple, casual date.

Photo karuna soockamphol


Spring Street Park in Los Angeles is a small, yet charming location that is ideal for a casual date. While it might not be the most romantic destination, it is a great spot for those who enjoy spending time outdoors with their furry friends. The park provides ample space for dogs to play and socialize, making it an excellent place for pet owners to connect. However, the small size of the designated potty area might be a turnoff for those with larger dogs. The security guard can be a bit overbearing, but his presence ensures the safety of all park-goers. The park's popularity among the film industry also adds to its allure. If you're looking for a quick and easy date that won't break the bank, Spring Street Park is a great option.

Photo turtwig86


Placita de Dolores may not be the best option for a romantic date, as it is a public park located in Los Angeles, and as such, it may not offer the privacy or ambiance that couples typically seek for a romantic date. The lack of reviews also suggests that it may not be a popular spot for dates. However, it may be a good place for a casual outing or a picnic with friends as it offers a green space in the city center. The park's historical significance as the site of the city's first church and its proximity to other tourist attractions may also make it a good option for those interested in history and culture.

Photo Jose Echeveste


The Art District Dog Park in Los Angeles offers a decent option for a daytime date with your furry friend. While the park has its pros, such as street art and a separate area for small dogs, it also has its cons. The park can get muddy after rain and dusty on hot days, and the lack of working water fountains and lighting at night might be a turn off for some. The park also lacks designated parking areas and restrooms, which could be inconvenient for some visitors. Overall, the park is a good option for a casual, low-key date with your dog, but might not be the best choice for a more upscale or romantic date.

Photo William Castro

Los Angeles Walks is an organization that promotes pedestrian safety and walkability in the city. While it may not be an ideal spot for a romantic date, it could be a great option for couples who are passionate about making a difference in their community. The location itself is an office building, so it lacks the ambiance and privacy necessary for a romantic date. However, the organization's mission is admirable and could be a great conversation starter for couples who share similar values. As there are no user reviews available, it's difficult to gauge the overall experience.

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