California, USA

Cheap Date Ideas in Downtown Los Angeles

Welcome to our guide to cheap date ideas in Downtown Los Angeles. We understand that planning a memorable and romantic date doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. That's why we've curated a collection of affordable and enjoyable date options that allow you to have a fantastic time without straining your budget. Whether you're looking for creative outdoor adventures, cozy indoor activities, or unique experiences that won't break the bank, we've got you covered. Discover a variety of wallet-friendly date ideas in Downtown Los Angeles that will impress your partner and create lasting memories.


LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes is a museum that offers an immersive and comprehensive look into the history and culture of Latinos in Los Angeles. The exhibits are not only informative but also visually stunning, featuring brilliant artwork and documentation of the immigrant experience. The museum is located in a culturally rich area with plenty of options for dining and other activities, making it a great choice for a date that combines education and exploration. The free admission is a bonus, making it an affordable option for couples on a budget.


For couples interested in history and culture, the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles is an excellent choice for a date. This free museum provides a fascinating look into the history of Chinese Americans in California and the United States. While the museum may be small, it is packed with interesting artifacts and exhibits that offer a unique and educational experience. The museum's emphasis on reflection and quiet contemplation makes it an ideal spot for couples looking for a more low-key and intimate date.

Photo Joe Manjarrez


The Sepulveda House Museum in Los Angeles is an ideal location for lovers of art and history. The museum is free of charge, which makes it an affordable option for a romantic date. The artwork on display is breathtaking and is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors. The museum's location on Olvera Street adds to its charm, making it a unique and interesting destination for a date. While it may not be the most private location, it offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere, perfect for couples seeking a calm and relaxing outing. Reviews from visitors have been overwhelmingly positive, which adds to the museum's appeal.

Photo Costel Balteanu Manolache


Art Share L.A. is a hidden gem located in the Arts District of Los Angeles, perfect for couples seeking a unique cultural experience. As a non-profit art gallery, Art Share L.A. is dedicated to supporting up-and-coming artists and the local art community. The intimate space and free admission make it a great choice for a date on a budget. However, some reviews mention issues with the sound quality, which could detract from the overall experience. Overall, Art Share L.A. is a great choice for couples interested in exploring the local art scene.

Photo Ming-Chi Kuo

Green Parrot Villa in Santa Ana is a lively and festive restaurant that offers an excellent choice for a romantic date. The restaurant is known for its Mexican cuisine and bottomless champagne, which adds to the overall ambiance. The mariachi band roaming around the restaurant is a unique feature that enhances the experience. The establishment is a popular brunch spot, which can make it a bit crowded, but the staff is attentive and friendly. The food has received mixed reviews, but the overall experience is worth it. The price point is reasonable, especially considering the all-you-can-eat buffet and bottomless champagne.


The Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles is a thought-provoking and educational destination for a romantic date. This museum is dedicated to preserving and sharing the history and experiences of Japanese Americans, including their internment during World War II. The exhibits are well-organized and insightful, offering a unique perspective on American history. The outdoor cafe and gift shop provide a nice break from the exhibits and a chance to reflect on what you've seen. However, the museum's popularity might make it difficult to find privacy or intimacy, and the serious subject matter might not be suitable for all couples.

Photo Tịnh Quán Tâm


GRAMMY Museum L.A. Live in Los Angeles is a must-visit destination for music lovers. With its tasteful displays and incredible memorabilia, the museum offers a unique and immersive experience for couples looking to explore music history. While the museum is relatively small, it makes up for it with its impressive temporary exhibitions featuring iconic pieces from legendary musicians like Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen. The museum's multilevel layout allows for a comfortable and engaging exploration of the exhibits. The ambiance is vibrant and lively, with music playing throughout the museum. However, the lack of privacy might be a downside for couples seeking a more intimate experience. The museum's reasonable admission fee makes it an affordable option for a date, but it's important to note that it might not be ideal for those who aren't passionate about music.


The Broad in Los Angeles is a contemporary art museum that boasts a stunning architectural design. If you and your date share an interest in art, this is an excellent choice for a romantic date. The museum's collection of art pieces is fascinating and inspiring, and the staff is friendly and efficient. However, it's worth noting that the museum can get crowded, so it might not be the best choice if you're looking for a private and intimate setting. While the gift shop prices are high, the museum itself is free, making it an affordable date option. Overall, The Broad is a must-visit for art lovers and those seeking a unique and cultural date experience.

Photo Vladislav Solodkiy


The Historic Broadway Theater District is a must-see spot for movie buffs and history enthusiasts alike. This district boasts a rich history and has been well-preserved throughout the years. While it may not be the most conventional choice for a romantic date, it offers a unique and educational experience that can be enjoyed as a couple. The area is generally safe and the staff is known for being polite and helpful, which adds to the overall experience. However, the limited amount of activities and the lack of privacy may not cater to everyone's preferences. The area's popularity among tourists might also impact the overall experience, so it might be best to avoid peak hours. Overall, the Historic Broadway Theater District is a great option for couples looking to gain insight into the film industry's past and enjoy a leisurely stroll.

Photo Hemant Tiwari


The Library Steps / Bunker Hill Steps, located in the heart of the financial district in Los Angeles, is a historical landmark that offers a breathtaking view of the city. As a tourist attraction, it provides a unique and picturesque backdrop for a romantic date. The steps are a bit of a climb, but the view is worth it. The ambiance is serene and quiet, making it a perfect spot for couples looking for some privacy. The lack of dining options and activities might make it a short date, but the beauty of the surroundings more than makes up for it. The positive reviews from visitors add to the overall appeal of this spot.

Photo CHAD


Public Art "Triforium" in Los Angeles is a unique and intriguing spot for a romantic date. This sculpture is a beautiful and impressive piece of art that will undoubtedly leave an impression on visitors. The location is also a plus, as it is situated in the bustling Fletcher Bowron Square. However, the lack of privacy and limited activities might not be suitable for all couples. Reviews are generally positive, with visitors praising the art's beauty and the unique experience it provides. Overall, it is a great spot for a short, romantic stop on a date, but it might not be enough to sustain an entire outing.

Photo Derek Kessler


Nestled in the heart of the bustling Downtown Los Angeles area, Kyoto Garden is a hidden gem that offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Located inside the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, it's a rooftop garden that is relatively small, but well-maintained and beautifully designed. The garden is accessible to the public and provides a peaceful retreat for couples looking to spend some quality time together in nature. The limited seating might be a downside for some, but it's still a great spot to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Photo Aaron A


Biddy Mason Memorial Park is a small, but historically significant park located in downtown Los Angeles. This park is a tribute to the life and legacy of Biddy Mason, an African American midwife and philanthropist who played a vital role in the early development of Los Angeles. The park is peaceful and quiet, providing a serene atmosphere for couples looking for a relaxing date spot. While the park is small, it is a must-visit for history buffs and anyone interested in learning about the contributions of African Americans to the development of Los Angeles.


Los Angeles City Hall is a historic landmark with an impressive observation deck that offers a 360-degree view of the city. The building is renowned for its earthquake prevention design and is a must-visit for architecture and engineering enthusiasts. The observation deck is free to enter, but parking can be a challenge and may require payment. The building is a great pit stop for a quick visit, but its limited activities may not cater to couples seeking a longer date. The observation deck provides a romantic setting for couples to enjoy the cityscape, but the lack of privacy and intimacy could be a downside for some.

Photo Michael Lopez


Koyasan Buddhist Temple in Los Angeles is a spiritual place of worship that may not be suitable for everyone, but offers a unique and peaceful experience for those seeking a deeper connection. The temple's design is breathtaking, with multiple statues in front of the main door adding to the overall beauty. Visitors are welcomed by a friendly Buddhist monk who provides guidance and explanation of the temple's meanings. However, the temple's limited time for visitors and the long wait times during special events may make it difficult to plan a romantic date around. Additionally, the spiritual nature of the temple may not be everyone's cup of tea, so it's worth considering your partner's beliefs before making this choice.

Photo Albert Tien


The Bradbury Building in Los Angeles is a stunning architectural landmark which is a must-visit for those who appreciate the art of design. The building is a five-story office building with an impressive skylit atrium, access walkways, stairs, and elevators, all adorned with ornate ironwork. The building has been featured in many works of fiction and has been the site of many movie and television shoots and music videos. However, visitors should be aware that only the ground floor is accessible to the public. While the interior is breathtaking, the overall experience might be impacted by the limited access and the potential for crowds. Nevertheless, it's a great place to take photos and appreciate the beauty of the architecture.

Photo Ondrej Citek

The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles is a grand and awe-inspiring religious site that is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who visits. The cathedral's unique and futuristic design, with its interlocking concrete arches and towering walls, is a remarkable architectural achievement that is worth seeing in person. The interior is just as impressive, with its high, vaulted ceilings and warm, inviting lighting creating a contemplative and spiritual atmosphere. However, as a romantic date spot, it may not be the best choice for everyone. While the cathedral's beauty and grandeur may appeal to some, it may not be suitable for those who are not religious or who prefer a more intimate or cozy setting. In addition, the solemnity of the space may not be conducive to lighthearted conversation or activities. Overall, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is a must-visit for architecture and religious enthusiasts alike, but may not be the best choice for a romantic date.


The City National Plaza Fountain in Los Angeles is a picturesque spot for a romantic date. The fountain is beautifully designed and maintained, providing a serene atmosphere that is perfect for couples looking to enjoy a quiet and peaceful stroll. The fountain is not only visually stunning but also adds a soothing ambiance to the surroundings. It's a great spot for taking photos, especially with its quiet surroundings. However, the limited activities and lack of dining options may not cater to those looking for a more immersive date experience. Additionally, the lack of reviews may suggest that it is not a well-known spot for tourists or locals alike. Nevertheless, it's a great spot for a quick and tranquil date, and the fountain's beauty makes it a must-visit for those who appreciate architecture and design.

Photo You Abdullah


The James Irvine Japanese Garden at JACCC in Los Angeles is a picturesque and serene oasis in the midst of the bustling city. The garden's water features, walkways, and natural beauty make it an ideal spot for couples looking for a peaceful and romantic escape. However, the garden's small size may limit the length of the date and the lack of privacy may detract from the overall ambiance. Reviews are generally positive, with visitors praising the garden's tranquility and beauty, though some may be disappointed if the garden is temporarily closed. Overall, this garden is a great option for a short and peaceful date that won't break the bank.

A historic and unique landmark in Los Angeles, the Angels Flight Railway offers couples a quick and fun mode of transportation while taking in stunning views of the city. The railway car itself is a beautiful piece of history, adding to the overall charm of the experience. While the ride itself is short, it is a must-see for those visiting LA and looking for a quick, affordable date idea. The railway is located in downtown LA, which may not be the most romantic setting, but the quick ride and views make up for it.


Tucked away behind the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Blue Ribbon Garden in Los Angeles is a hidden gem for couples seeking a peaceful, serene date spot. The garden's well-manicured landscape and lush vegetation make for a picturesque backdrop, perfect for romantic photo opportunities. The garden's location also provides a sense of seclusion, away from the hustle and bustle of nearby areas, making it an ideal spot for a quiet lunch break or a relaxing afternoon. However, the limited space may make it a less than ideal option for couples seeking a longer date experience.

Photo Tom Moroney


For history buffs, the Avila Adobe museum in Los Angeles is a must-visit. It's a free museum located in the historic district of Olvera Street, which was once the center of Los Angeles during the Spanish era. The adobe house is the oldest standing residence in the city and provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of the early 19th century. The exhibits are informative and well-maintained, and the fruit and vegetable trees within the property make for a lively and picturesque setting. However, as a museum, it may not be the ideal location for a romantic date, as it may not provide the privacy or ambiance that some couples may be seeking.

Photo Emmanuel


The African-American Firefighter Museum in Los Angeles is a hidden gem that offers a unique and informative date experience. This museum holds an important place in history and serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the African-American community. The museum has received high ratings from visitors, who have been impressed by the informative and engaging tour guides. The museum's location might not be the most romantic, but it's a great place to learn about an important part of history and appreciate the sacrifices and contributions of African-American firefighters. As a museum, it might not offer the most comfortable or intimate setting for a date, but it's an excellent choice for couples interested in history and culture.

Photo Ted Kidwell


Grand Hope Park in Los Angeles is a hidden gem that offers a serene respite from the hustle and bustle of downtown. The park boasts a spacious layout with plenty of shaded areas and grassy expanses, making it an ideal spot for a romantic picnic or stroll. The park's cleanliness is a notable highlight, with maintenance staff regularly tending to the grounds. While the park doesn't offer any particularly unique attractions, it's a great spot to unwind and enjoy some fresh air. As it's a public park, it may not be the most private option for a romantic date, but it's a budget-friendly choice that's perfect for a casual outing.


The Arts District Park in Los Angeles is a cozy and laid-back spot that offers a relaxed setting for a casual date. It's a great spot for couples who enjoy the outdoors, especially those with furry friends as dogs run free here. The park's design is visually appealing and the playground area is well-suited for children of all ages. The park's landscape, however, has been noted to have deteriorated, which could detract from the overall ambiance. It's a great spot for a quick date or to add to a bigger itinerary, but it might not be the ideal location for a longer, more immersive date experience.

Photo Chris Schnitzer


As a place of worship, Glory Church of Jesus Christ might not be the best choice for a romantic date. While the church has a reputation for being spiritually uplifting and charismatic, it is not a location that caters to everyone's beliefs. Some reviews mention the church's outreach programs, which is commendable, but there are also reports of theft on the premises, which might raise concerns for some couples. It's important to note that the church is not a tourist attraction, and it is not designed to offer a unique date experience. As such, it might not be the ideal location for a romantic date.

Photo Kim Jae H.

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