
Cheap Date Ideas in Ballarat

Welcome to our guide to cheap date ideas in Ballarat. We understand that planning a memorable and romantic date doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. That's why we've curated a collection of affordable and enjoyable date options that allow you to have a fantastic time without straining your budget. Whether you're looking for creative outdoor adventures, cozy indoor activities, or unique experiences that won't break the bank, we've got you covered. Discover a variety of wallet-friendly date ideas in Ballarat that will impress your partner and create lasting memories.


The Ballarat Botanical Gardens is a picturesque and romantic destination for couples looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The gardens offer a peaceful and serene atmosphere with plenty of spots for picnicking, including the lakeside restaurant, Pipers. The gardens are well-maintained and offer a variety of seasonal displays, including a beautiful greenhouse filled with gorgeous flowers. The playground and outdoor gym facilities make it a great spot for active couples as well. The gardens are a popular destination, especially during the annual Begonia Festival in March, so it might get crowded during peak season. However, the ample parking and clean toilets make it a convenient and comfortable experience. Overall, the Ballarat Botanical Gardens is a must-visit destination for couples seeking a tranquil and beautiful date spot.

Photo Michael S


For couples who share a love for film, Poco Film Fest in Ballarat is a must-visit. This film festival, created and run by locals, offers a unique opportunity to enjoy a variety of films in a cozy and intimate setting. The festival has received high praise from attendees and is sure to provide an unforgettable date night. As it is a seasonal event, it may not be available year-round, so be sure to check the schedule in advance. The cost of tickets is reasonable and won't break the bank.

Photo Poco Film Fest


If you're looking for an outdoor date idea that's both active and relaxing, Lake Wendouree Pedal Boat Hire is an excellent choice. With a stunning lake as a backdrop, this establishment offers the opportunity to explore the waters in a unique and fun way. The staff is friendly and accommodating, ensuring the safety of all passengers. The boats are affordable, and the experience is suitable for all ages. However, the activity itself may not be for everyone, as it requires physical effort. The location's natural beauty and surrounding botanical garden make it an ideal spot for a romantic picnic before or after the boat ride.

Photo Taylah Vogel

Moon & Mountain in Ballarat Central is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner date with its fantastic food and top-notch service. The restaurant offers a unique dining experience with its DIY spring rolls, which is a fun and interactive way to start the meal. The cocktails are also a highlight, with a diverse range to choose from. However, some reviews have mentioned that the pacing of the meal can be off, which might impact the overall experience. Despite this, the restaurant is still worth a visit, especially for the All Time Favourites Banquet, which offers exceptional value for money. The ambiance and atmosphere of the restaurant are perfect for a romantic date, making it a must-try for couples visiting Ballarat.


If you're looking for a unique and memorable vegetarian dining experience, Chat For Tea Vegetarian Restaurant in Ballarat Central is a must-try. The modern yet traditional decor creates a cozy ambiance that's perfect for an intimate date night. The standout dishes, such as the crispy duck and green house curry, are highly recommended by patrons. The restaurant's friendly and attentive staff add to the overall charm, making it a great spot for a romantic evening. The affordability of the menu is an added bonus, making it an excellent choice for those on a budget.

Photo Chat For Tea


Lake Wendouree Fairyland in Ballarat is a picturesque and tranquil oasis, perfect for a romantic date. The area boasts an abundance of wildlife, including black swans and cockatoos, making it an ideal spot for birdwatching. The walking paths and resting areas provide an opportunity for couples to unwind and enjoy each other's company. The playground and vast green lands offer a range of activities for couples to engage in, such as a game of soccer or a picnic. The tram coffee shop near the playground adds to the overall charm of the place. Additionally, the location is ideal for photography enthusiasts. The only downside is that it might not be suitable for those seeking a more intimate and private date, as it can get crowded during peak hours.

Photo C C

For those seeking a romantic stroll, the Prime Ministers Walk in Lake Wendouree, Ballarat is a unique and educational choice. This walk takes you through a beautifully maintained garden, with native and international flora and fauna, and a display of dahlias and begonias. The highlight of the walk is the history of Australian Prime Ministers, which is showcased in impressive detail. This is a great way to learn more about Australian history while enjoying a leisurely walk with your partner. The walk might not appeal to everyone, especially those uninterested in politics or history. However, the garden itself is a beautiful spot for a romantic walk, and the educational aspect adds a unique twist to the experience.

Carboni's Italian Kitchen in Ballarat East is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner. The ambiance is warm and inviting, with friendly staff who go above and beyond to make guests feel welcome. The menu is extensive and showcases authentic Italian cuisine that is both delicious and reasonably priced. The portions are generous, making it an ideal spot for sharing plates with your significant other. The restaurant's attention to detail, such as preparing a birthday card for a guest, is a testament to their commitment to providing a memorable experience. The positive reviews from satisfied customers are a testament to the quality of the food and service. Overall, Carboni's Italian Kitchen is a fantastic option for a romantic dinner date.


Victoria Park in Newington is a great option for couples looking for a relaxed, outdoor date. The park offers a variety of activities, including a bike track, play park, and even a hill for kids to ride down. The park also has a cricket oval and a ground for Frisbee, making it a great option for sports enthusiasts. Additionally, the park offers plenty of space for dogs to run around and play, which might be a plus for pet-loving couples. The lack of seating and picnic tables might be a drawback, but overall, Victoria Park is a great option for couples looking to enjoy the outdoors together.

Photo Murali G

Located beside Lake Wendouree, the Lake Wendouree Adventure Playground is an excellent choice for a romantic date if you and your partner are looking for a fun and adventurous outdoor experience. This playground is perfect for families with kids, but it might not be the best option for a romantic date as it is usually crowded and noisy. The playground is not fenced, so it might be challenging to keep an eye on your children if you bring them along. However, the park offers spectacular views of the lake and has plenty of picnic spots, public bbqs and toilets. The paths can get muddy and slippery after rain, so it's best to check the weather before visiting. Overall, the Lake Wendouree Adventure Playground is a great place to bring your family, but it might not be the most suitable option for a romantic date.

Set amidst 44 acres of native Australian bushland, Pax Hill Scout Camp in Canadian, Victoria offers a rustic, back-to-nature experience for couples seeking an outdoor adventure. While it may not be the most luxurious accommodation option, the camp boasts of ample facilities for camping, cooking, and accommodation. The cabins are small and may not offer much ventilation, but they are comfortable enough for a night's stay. The camp is primarily designed for group bookings, so privacy might be an issue for couples. The natural beauty of the surroundings and the peaceful sounds of nature make it a great spot for those looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. However, the lack of modern amenities might not appeal to everyone.

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